Sitemap - 2024 - Gimme Some Torah

#548: Jews In Name Only

#547: Pinḥas and Defending Zionism

#546: Break Two Tablets and Call Me in the Morning

#545: The Day That Normalcy Died

#544: Getting Angry at God

#543: Better Than We Deserve

#542: Hacking God

#541: Thanks, But We're Already Blessed

#540: Caution Is A Jewish Value

#539: Life Is Good, Not Fair

#538: The Torah's Privacy

#537: Is Anything Good?

#536: Clouds of Glory, Clouds of Love

#535: Frustration Is Not a Game Plan

#534: What's So Bad About Hitting a Rock?

#533: Be Careful What You Think

#532: Jews, Nerds, Bullies, and July 4th

#531: Gigantic Lies

#530: Protesting the Unchangeable

#529: My Reaction to the Debate

#528: A Grain of Truth, A Grain of Salt

#527: Have You Had Too Much to Think?

#526: The Special Cocktail

#525: In Praise of Ordinary People

#524: Why a Sex Worker?

#523: Lost and Found

#522: Two Different Kinds of Fear

#521: I Want It Yesterday!

#520: Complainers, Sinners, and Mourners

#519: Always Check the Mirror

#518: Forbidden Translations

#517: Live Long and Prosper

#516: Either a Leader or a Shanda!

#515: Is There Such Thing as a Stupid Question?

#514: Silence in the Wilderness

#513: How Important Is Your Family Line?

#512: Forever Means Forever

#511: The Infantilization of America

#510: We All Need Purpose

#509: Unearned Respect

#508: Torah Is A Mt. Everest of the Mind

#507: What Killed Rabbi Akiva's Students?

#506: Slavery Is a Plague for Everybody

#505: Don't Wrong Yourself!

#504: The Evil Impulse Loves a Costume

#503: Restart and Reset

#502: Stuff

#501: God Knows What You Stole Last Summer

#500: Bullying Can Be Fatal

#499: Happy Horns

#498: What Would Golda Do?

#497: Modern Blasphemy

#496: Telling Lies in front of the Torah

#495: Stage 4 Idolatry

#495: What is a Martyr?

#494: Welcome to Hell, Rabbi!

#493: The Rabbi Who Hid Ten Rubles

#492: The Lenient Judge and the Strict Judge

#491: Two Kinds of Education

#490: Leprosy vs. Boils: Let's Get Ready to Rumble!

#489: The Hostages and the Seder

#488: Do Jews Complain More?

#487: Why Do We Call the Kid Wicked?

The OJ Trial and Leprosy

#486: The OJ Trial and Leprosy

#485: Don't Talk with Your Mouth Full

#484: Leprosy, AIDS, and COVID

#483: The Power of Slander

#482: Balance

#481: Chasing a Shadow

#480: The Alcoholic Rabbi

#479: When Disaster Meets Joy

#478: Sorry, I Totally Forgot!

#477: How Is Greatness Measured?

#476: Who Can Be a Moral Exemplar?

#475: Do Something Weird at Your Seder

#474: Imagine a World Without Work

#473: Is Courtesy Dying or Changing?

#472: The Squatters In Your Brain

#471: Sometimes the Trash Isn't Trash

#470: What I Didn't Know About Haman

#469: Noloyada: The Cure for Moral Confusion

#468: Fail to the Chief

#467: You Don't Get a Parade for Doing Your Job

#466: Should Religious Leaders Be Trusted?

#465: Jewish Jokes Contain the Code

#464: The New Jewish Inventions We Need

#463: Decorum and the Jews

#462: A Memo from Mark Zuckerberg of META

#461: Edibles for the Jewish Community

#460: Why Did Betzalel Need the Divine Spirit?

#459: More Is Not Necessarily Better

#458: Only the Wise Receive Wisdom

#457: I Hope This Essay Is the GOAT!

#456: Two Kinds of Holiness

#455: Wash Your Hands!

#454: What's Worse—Sins or Bad Character Traits?

#453: What Was the Point of the Calf?

#452: The Sound of Apathy

#451: Is That Your Final Answer?

#450: Blueprints

#449: What Happened to the Ten Tribes?

#448: Urim V'Tummim: Miracle or Psychology?

#447: A Leader Must Love the People

#446: Thoughts Are Not Punished...Except for This Kind

#445: Creativity and Jewish Law

#444: Thoughts and Prayers are Mismatched

#443: Gold on the Outside, Gold on the Inside

#442: You Call That Living?

#441: Rich and Smart Are Not the Same Thing

#440: Curses, Foiled Again!

#439: Sanctuary From What?

#438: A Cure for Cancer?

#437: Kidnapping Is Akin to Murder

#436: Two Kinds of Failure: Can't and Won't

#435: A Good Man Doesn't Ogle

#434: The Man Who Was Rescued from Hell

#433: The Cow That Observed Shabbat

#432: Honoring Elderly Parents

#431: Principles First

#430: The Power of Speech

#429: Finding Joseph's Bones

#428: The Purpose of Punishment

#427: Where Did the Misogyny Come From?

#426: Convenience vs. Commitment

#425: Our External and Internal Lives

#424: Why Borrow What You Won't Return?

#423: Darkness Can Be a Blessing

#422: When Is It Time to Give Up?

#421: The Story of William and Ellen Craft

#420: Israel on Trial

#419: The Five Cups of Emergency Rescue

#418: What Is Jewish Masculinity?

#417: Was Moses Right to Kill the Egyptian Man?

#416: Remember What Admiral Ackbar Said